
 This section of our website is designed to introduce you to the principles and policies that underpin the Hargreaves Services plc approach to conducting our business.

The Hargreaves Board of Directors has developed principles and policies which will apply in the company’s dealings with stakeholders and the wider community.

Safety, Health and the Environment
We have a proactive approach to Safety, Health and the Environment, and are committed to the highest practicable standards of safety and health management and the minimisation of adverse environmental impacts.

Human Resources
Our employment policies are non-discriminatory, complying with all current legislation to engender equal opportunity, irrespective of race, gender, religion, disability, sexual orientation or nationality. Harassment is not tolerated.

Ethical Standards
Hargreaves Services plc is committed to conducting our business with honesty and integrity, and we expect all staff to maintain high standards.

It is vital that we conduct our business at a level where our actions cannot be questioned. Accordingly, our Board of Directors has formulated and approved a Code of Ethics Statement that describes our principles and values.

Furthermore, the Board has approved a comprehensive Anti-Corruption and Bribery Policy which sets out our responsibilities, and also the responsibilities of those who work for us. We take a zero-tolerance approach to the making or receiving of bribes or corrupt payments in any form and expect the same impeccable standards of all those with whom we do business.

We have added to our already robust set of reporting systems by creating a whistleblowing policy.

Compliance with Laws
Hargreaves Services plc has systems in place designed to ensure compliance with all applicable laws and regulations, and conformity with all relevant codes of business practice.

To access our Group Policies please click here or go direct to the Group Policies section.